
You know the card game frustration? I’m not very good at it. It’s too high paced, too reflexive, and too quick for me. I always loose within the first few minutes, and soundly. When it comes to games, I’m better suited for Rich man Poor man, where I can take my time and strategize, look at my cards, know exactly what’s going on, and then slowly but surely build my way up to a win. When I play frustration, on the other hand, I always feel left behind and lost. The moment I see a pair, my opponent has already covered it-and a few others- in quick succession, and the cards on my side keep piling up until I eventually cave under the pressure.

Maybe I’m in the midst of a game of frustration right now, and I don’t even know it, because that’s exactly what I feel like at this very moment.

Or maybe it’s like I’m playing chess without my queen and rooks. There’s definitely a few pieces missing here.

Let the Festival of Academia Begin!

It’s a new year, and also the start of a new semester. After unexpected smooth flying back to school, I had less than one day to clean my dorm room and go to sleep early for the first day of a new semester. Even though I wanted to wake up early to buy my textbooks before classes started today, my sleep-deprived body stubbornly decided to silence my phone and knock me out for a few more hours.

Luckily, my sophomore credit status allowed me to register earlier than last semester, and as a result, I am starting school at 10 am every day for the next fifteen (or so) weeks.

I was surprised (and elated) to see a decent amount of snow falling and piled up on the ground when I woke up.
Because of that, today’s bus ride to school was so slow that even though I left almost an hour before the class started, I arrived with only a few minutes to spare. Snow isn’t always glittery powder and snowmen.
Most importantly, I got to school on time. I’d feel jinxed if I was late to my first class on the first day of school.

This semester, I’m taking four classes, and on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I have all four in a row with 10 minutes to walk to each one. Each walk consists of going up and down fights of stairs, trudging through snow and ice (or sidewalk dust, if it’s a merciful day) across campus, and dodging the billion other students rushing to their respective classes. Therefore, if for some reason I run into any trouble getting to my classes in the near future, these three days will be receiving the following names from me:


In short, M-day, W-day, and EFF-day.

I am obviously very prepared for the new semester.

In the end, my first classes went smoothly (though they were a bit crowded) and I did end up fighting my way through the University’s bookstore to get my materials for the two new classes I’m taking. Somewhere on an island in the middle of the pacific ocean, two parents are cringing because their daughter just bought her college textbooks and they know she’ll be hitting them up for a reimbursement soon.